Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April 29, 2021

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). This year marks the 20th anniversary of SAAM, but the history can be traced back even farther. To learn more about the history of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, go to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) website. The NSVRC states that sexual violence is an umbrella term that includes any type of unwanted sexual contact - in person or online - including sexual assault, harassment, and abuse.

This year the theme of SAAM is “We can build safe online spaces.” The NSVRC has resources to help people learn how to “practice consent online, keep the kids in your life safe from abuse, facilitate and participate in respectful online communities.” The NSVRC also offers us the prompt “I can build safe online spaces by: ___________” How can you help build safe online spaces now and in the future?

On Friday, April 23rd, the Vermont Senate Judiciary Committee was conducting a timely discussion on a bill seeking to clarify the definition of consent. VT Digger states that “H.183 would have made it clear that people who are unconscious or substantially impaired by drugs or alcohol cannot consent to sex.” However, it seems that this bill may stall in committee or at the very least the discussion of this aspect of the bill will be pushed back.

Despite the Vermont legislature placing a disheartening lack of importance on protecting and providing avenues for justice to survivors, there are places you can go for community support if you or a loved one has experienced sexual assault. For more information go to or call one of WomenSafe’s free and confidential advocates at (802) 388-4205.

Chelsea Colby

WomenSafe Board Member



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