Annual Appeal

November 2024

Dear Community,

Every day - in our community and in our own neighborhoods - adults, teens, youth, and families are experiencing the devastating impacts of gender-based violence, specifically, dating, domestic, sexual violence, and stalking. In Addison County, gender-based violence directly affects 1 in every 64 people and countless others feel the consequences of the effects of violence inflicted on their loved ones. At Atria Collective, dedicated and highly skilled advocates and educators remain committed to meeting the very critical needs of survivors and those impacted by gender-based violence because, like you, we believe that every person has a right to feel safe in their home and to have autonomy over their body.

With your support, Atria Collective continues to make great strides towards our vision of ending gender-based violence. From leading educational initiatives that empower people to recognize and challenge harmful gender norms to advocating for institutional practices that protect survivors and promote equality, Atria Collective is creating pathways for a safer and more just world.

We are grateful for your commitment to our mission and for standing with us in this challenging work. Thank you for your ongoing support and belief in the power of education, advocacy, and collective action. Together, we can continue to create meaningful change. With your gift, we will shape a future where our commitment to direct services, prevention strategies, and encompassing social change leads to a more safe and equitable society. Thank you for joining us on this transformative path of progress.

With gratitude,

Elyssa Boisselle

Executive Director