Application for volunteer positions Name * First Name Last Name Pronouns Email * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Languages spoken Why are you interested in becoming a volunteer and what benefits do you see for yourself in this experience? * Do you have any personal or professional experience with dating, domestic, or sexual violence that you feel might contribute to your volunteering? Tell us a bit more about yourself: Educational background, current occupation, hobbies, skills, interests, & previous volunteer experience. Volunteer roles you're interested in: Check all that apply Administrative Volunteer Childcare Provider Court Advocate Hotline Advocate In-office Advocate Blog Writer Supervised Visitation Monitor Town Meeting Advocate Outreach Volunteer Please confirm you're willing to undergo a background check: * Yes, I can undergo a background check. What is your availability? Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?? * No Yes Have you ever been charged with child neglect, abuse, or assault? * No Yes Has your driver's license ever been suspended or revoked in any state? * No Yes Atria policy states that on-call volunteers cannot be under the influence of any non-prescribed substance. Are you able to comply with this policy? * No Yes Please list your places of work (paid or unpaid) for the past 3 years. * Character reference #1 * Provide a full name and phone number. Character reference #2 * Provide a full name and phone number. Is there anything else you'd like us to know? Our bi-annual trainings are typically a hybrid model of virtual and in-person. Volunteers will need access to a computer with a camera and internet. Will you need help accessing this technology? No Yes Do you need support accessing childcare in order to attend training? No Yes Thank you!