Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2024

October 17th, 2024

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). In 1989, Congress declared October to be DVAM. Since then, it has grown to a national campaign dedicated to raising awareness about the devastating impacts of domestic violence. Every October, organizations across the country join together to support and uplift survivors, their needs, and their stories.

Even after thirty-five years of DVAM, domestic violence is a widespread and ongoing public health crisis that affects people across the gender spectrum regardless of race, class, ethnicity, socio-economic status, education, and more. This year, we are uplifting the theme of Heal, Hold, and Center from the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV). The call from the Domestic Violence Awareness Project is to  “Heal, Hold & Center survivors, especially those navigating anti-Blackness and other systems of oppression.


“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.” – bell hooks

Survivors know what is best. They are the experts of their own experiences. Healing is a vital part of Atria’s work with survivors but healing looks different for each person and is often highly dependent on culture. Our work is rooted in active listening and empowerment. This means that advocates are there to listen, support, and walk alongside but every survivor knows what they need and they get to write the story of their healing journey. No one has to do it alone. Advocates can be one part of the community of support that allows a survivor the space to heal - whether it be in the form of access to housing or in a support group.


“Nothing that we do that is worthwhile is done alone.” – Mariame Kaba

We commit to holding supportive spaces for survivors. Holding space requires that you be physically, mentally, and emotionally present for others. It is a simple act that ensures survivors feel seen, heard, and cared for in their journey. The NRCDV describes holding space as a “powerful antidote to invisibility and isolation”. Our movement is strongest when we work together and holding space is a simple yet transformative part of taking care of our community so we can continue to work towards the elimination of physical, sexual, and emotional violence and true justice for ALL.


“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor” – Desmond Tutu

In everything we do, we center the voices of survivors, especially those most marginalized. Atria Collective identified our Racial Equity Values and through this process the staff determined that Atria’s values summary is as follows: “The liberation of people experiencing gender-based violence is directly tied with the liberation of those who experience racism, transphobia, ableism, classism, and all other forms of oppression. We cannot end dating violence, domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking without coming together with our community to care for one another, illuminate each other’s strengths, and protect each other. Our movement is strongest when we work together.” This month, and every month, we center healing and racial justice for survivors.

What can I do this month to support DVAM?

On Thursday, October 17th you can join the “Purple Thursday” campaign by wearing purple to show survivors that they are not alone. Wearing purple on this day shows those who have experienced domestic abuse and violence that you support them. You can also spread the word by sharing our posts on social media or those from @ndvhofficial and @nrcdv with the hashtags #DVAM2024 #HealHoldCenter #NoSurvivorJusticeWithoutRacialJustice.

Chelsea Colby

Atria Collective Board Co-Chair



A Look at Richard Gadd’s Depiction of Stalking in “Baby Reindeer”